
Trump Steamrolls in New Hampshire, Haley Left in Dust

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has taken a decisive victory in the New Hampshire Republican primary. The Associated Press wasted no time declaring Trump the winner, citing initial vote returns and the results of their own survey of Republican primary voters, which both pointed to a clear lead for Trump over former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

As the results came in from over 25 townships, it became clear that Trump was in the lead by a considerable margin, especially in populous areas like Manchester and Concord. Even in more rural parts of the state, Trump continued to maintain his lead, leaving no doubt in the minds of AP reporters.

Although there were some pockets of support for Haley in the state’s more Democratic-leaning cities and towns, it wasn’t nearly enough to compete with Trump’s overwhelming support among registered Republicans. Even among unaffiliated voters participating in the Republican primary, Haley still couldn’t make up the significant gap that Trump had established.

And guess what? New Hampshire’s 22 delegates will be divvied up among candidates who receive at least 10 percent of the vote statewide. So Trump’s victory isn’t just symbolic — he’s walking away with a tangible boost in the delegate count.

It’s not surprising that AP VoteCast, a thorough survey of the electorate, confirmed the dominance of Trump’s support across all regions of the state. It seems that New Hampshire Republicans have made it abundantly clear who their preferred candidate is.

So, there you have it, folks. Donald Trump has once again demonstrated his unwavering appeal to Republican voters, solidifying his position as a force to be reckoned with in the GOP. If there was any doubt about his influence within the party, this victory should put those concerns to rest. Keep your eyes on the prize, Trump supporters, because the former president is showing no signs of slowing down.

Written by Staff Reports

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Trump Crushes NH Primary, Dems Meddle in Vain

Trump Triumphs in NH Primary, Haley Clings to Hope