
Turley Rattled: Archer’s Bombshell Testimony Raises New Burning Question

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, had a lot to say about Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Devon Archer, and his closed-door testimony. According to Turley, this Biden family influence peddling scheme is turning into one of the biggest corruption scandals in Washington’s history. Turley pointed out that President Biden lied to the American people during his campaign and as commander in chief about his knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings. Turley stated that it is “clearly false” because there are records of about twenty calls between Biden and these corrupt figures from Europe. Turley believes that the brand that Hunter was selling was influence peddling, with Joe Biden as the targeted object of that influence.

When Neil Cavuto from Fox News presented the counter argument that Joe Biden frequently makes phone calls to various people, Turley disagreed, stating, “They can’t”. Turley adamantly believes that these calls with corrupt business figures from Ukraine, Russia, and China were not casual chats, but rather a way for Biden to show his involvement with the brand of influence peddling. The key question now is what did these corrupt figures get in return for their money, and Turley insists that finding those answers is crucial. He concluded by saying that there is no way to brush off these developments, no matter how much Democrats may want to. Turley firmly believes that this corruption scandal is one for the history books, and it says a lot about the state of Washington.

Written by Staff Reports

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