
University of Alabama Protestors Unite Against Biden

Two groups of students at the University of Alabama had a big disagreement recently. One group supported Palestine while the other group supported Israel. They both came together to say negative things about President Joe Biden. They chanted, “F*** Joe Biden” back and forth during a protest at the university. Videos on social media show this happening.

The first group wore colorful clothes and held flags from Palestine and signs saying, “CEASEFIRE NOW.” The other group wore camo pants and held American and Israeli flags. One person even had a banner supporting former President Trump.

The actions of President Biden regarding Israel and Gaza made his popularity drop. A lot of people were not happy with how he responded to these issues. This led to his approval rating going down to around 38.7%, which is very low for a President. People on campus also criticized Alabama for having investments in companies they did not agree with.

The students who protested might have made a difference. A company named Lockheed Martin even removed information about being partners with Alabama from their website. This shows that protests can sometimes lead to change.

Written by Staff Reports

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