
Unrepentant Sarandon Joins Radicals, Ignores Hamas Crimes

Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon stirred up controversy once again, despite a previous apology for her past antisemitic rant. This time, Sarandon teamed up with the radical group CODEPINK to stage a protest calling for a ceasefire outside the offices of Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). It’s no surprise that the press release announcing the sit-in misspelled Torres’ first name, showing a lack of attention to detail.

Sarandon, who seems to have no qualms jumping into political matters she knows little about, was quoted in the press release calling for a ceasefire and the resuming of humanitarian aid through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). But what Sarandon fails to acknowledge is that a ceasefire narrative only benefits Hamas, a terrorist organization hellbent on its genocidal mission against Israel.

In fact, Hamas broke the previous ceasefire when they launched an attack on Israel, resulting in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians. Even babies and Holocaust survivors were not spared from their attacks. The Biden administration wisely decided to temporarily halt new grants for the UNRWA due to its ties with Hamas, and Rep. Ritchie Torres has been a vocal supporter of Israel and an opponent of antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric.

Rep. Jeffries also has a voting record in support of Israel but has a history of aligning himself with antisemitic and anti-Israel Democrats, particularly members of the notorious Squad. Furthermore, the foreign aid bill, which CODEPINK is advocating for, faces opposition for various reasons, including its failure to secure the southern border and a provision that could be used to impeach former President Donald Trump if he were to regain office.

CODEPINK’s twisted narrative doesn’t stop there – they plan to share Valentine’s Day cards on Capitol Hill, sending love to convicted murderers and terrorists in Palestine while demanding a ceasefire and restored funding to UNRWA. It’s worth noting that these so-called “political prisoners” have been convicted of heinous crimes, yet CODEPINK parades young children around with heart-shaped signs, spreading lies and propaganda.

The group doesn’t shy away from targeting other members of Congress either, including Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Josh Hawley, and Sen. Marco Rubio. Their distorted views and false narratives are dangerous and misleading, but they continue to push their agenda through stunts and protests. It’s crucial to see through their deception and support the truth – the only path to peace in the Middle East is to unequivocally condemn Hamas and stand in solidarity with Israel.

Written by Staff Reports

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