
Van Jones Slams Biden: Suggests a Game of Hide and Seek for 2024 Victory

CNN contributor Van Jones recently made some wild claims about President Joe Biden’s chances of winning the 2024 election. According to Jones, the best strategy for Biden would be to basically go into hiding because he “doesn’t inspire confidence.” Can you believe it? Van Jones actually suggested that the President of the United States should just disappear from public view in order to have a shot at winning re-election.

Jones went on to criticize Biden, saying that he’s not a great messenger for himself and that there’s “something wrong” with the campaign. Seriously, who does Van Jones think he is? President Biden has done an outstanding job for the economy, and he deserves credit where credit is due. But instead of acknowledging that, Jones is out here spreading negativity about the President.

While these outrageous comments from Jones were met with shock from other panel members, it’s clear that this is just another example of the liberal media’s bias against President Biden. It’s no surprise that most of the Democratic Party has rallied around Biden as their 2024 candidate. But of course, there are always a few dissenters, like Jones, who insist on pushing their ageist fears about the President being 81 years old.

It’s time for these so-called “experts” to stop spreading baseless criticism and start giving credit where credit is due. President Biden has a strong track record, and with the support of the American people, there’s no doubt he can win re-election in 2024. Let’s hope Van Jones and his buddies at CNN come to their senses and start reporting the truth about our great President.

Written by Staff Reports

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