
Vogue Feature on Jill Biden Stokes Ire Amid Joe’s Debate Blunder

The world’s most disliked doctor has once again revealed herself as a truly malevolent figure worthy of derision. Vogue Magazine decided it would be a great idea to feature Jill Biden on their latest cover, complete with a quote that seems especially ill-timed as 81-year-old President Joe Biden’s latest blunder during Thursday’s debate has Democrats scrambling to find a new contender for the White House. Jill’s quote, “We will decide our future,” has left many scratching their heads and questioning if it’s actually true for the Biden dynasty or scripted theater.

On social media, conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg humorously pointed out the irony of the magazine’s choice, comparing the quote to something Eva Perón might say. American readers apparently share this sentiment, with the poorly-timed tagline leaving many exasperated and wondering if there’s anyone sane left in the Democratic PR machine.

Even on the social media platform X, where political discourse ranges from occasionally insightful to laughably absurd, user Amanda Stewart Sprowls commemorated the absurdity by capitalizing key words in the infamous quote. She implied that America’s majority is now questioning who is really pulling the strings in the White House. This perfect storm of humor and horror continued to unfold in the digital town square.

Adding to the absurd theater of it all, Vince Langman, a conservative voice with a notably large following, congratulated Vogue on its impeccable timing. The irony was lost on no one, as he liberally sprinkled his tweet with clown and laugh emojis. The timing of the Vogue cover couldn’t have been worse, released just a day after the Biden clan huddled at Camp David, where Jill and the president’s scandal-plagued son, Hunter, strongly persuaded the President to plow ahead with his 2024 campaign.

Tucker Carlson wasn’t shy about naming Jill Biden as the chief force behind her husband’s ill-fated re-election bid. Some have gone even further, accusing her of elder abuse and claiming she’s hell-bent on maintaining clutches on power, no matter the cost. Carlson pointed out how Jill Biden, indifferent to her husband’s wellbeing, is dead set on staying in the limelight, thrusting the ailing president into an arena where he clearly can’t hold his own.

In light of Dr. Jill’s grand performance, revisiting the dismal quality of her Ed.D. dissertation—branded sloppy and poorly written by critics—reminds readers why she insists on being called “Doctor” despite not holding a Ph.D. The attempt is seen by many as a cringe-worthy act of self-aggrandizement. National Review’s Kyle Smith dissected her work in December 2020, describing it as barely suitable for a middle school classroom, reinforcing that her claim to academic fame is nothing more than a farce.

Meanwhile, Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman, another proud Ed.D. holder, showcased his advanced education on social media, echoing the same insecurity seen in Jill. This club of self-styled intellectuals seems to panic when the facade of authority is questioned. It’s clear as day: the left-wing elite don’t easily relinquish power, and the Biden family’s latest fiasco is just another chapter in their ongoing saga of incompetence and hubris.

Written by Staff Reports

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