
X’s Fake News Flop: Maldivian President NOT Attacked

Attention, conservatives! Grab your popcorn and get ready for some liberal misinformation being exposed yet again. It seems like X, formerly known as Twitter, just can’t help themselves when it comes to spreading fake news. A video making the rounds on X claims to show Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu getting assaulted in Parliament. Well, buckle up, because the truth might just make your liberal friends squirm.

But hold on just a minute! A fact check reveals that this video is about as false as a promise from a career politician. The original video, which can also be found on X, actually shows two members of the Maldivian Parliament engaged in a physical altercation. Sorry, folks, no assaulting of the president here. Nice try, though!

Now, I know you’re dying to know why so many people want to get rid of President Muizzu. It turns out, he’s not afraid to take a stand against India. Thirty-four members of Parliament are reportedly itching to impeach him for his anti-India stance. You have to admire a leader who isn’t afraid to put his country first, even if it ruffles a few feathers.

But back to the video, folks. The X post claims that President Muizzu was “thrashed” in Parliament. Oh, the drama! However, the real story is far less exciting. The video’s caption correctly identifies the two parliament members involved in the altercation as Ahmed Easa and MP Shaheem Abdul Hakeem. It seems like tempers flared when the opposition party refused to approve four new cabinet members. Honestly, can’t politicians play nicely in the sandbox?

Now, let’s get to the bottom of this. We’ve done some digging and found no credible news reports indicating that President Muizzu was assaulted in Parliament. Surprise, surprise! In fact, fact-checkers from Boom Live, The Quint, and Newsmeter have all labeled the claim made by X as false. Seems like X needs to go back to telling jokes instead of spreading fake news.

And just to add insult to injury, the official website of the Maldivian President’s Office and its verified social media accounts aren’t talking about any assault on President Muizzu. It’s almost like they are too busy doing their actual jobs to pay attention to the gossip on X. What a concept!

Conservatives, it’s time to brush off those liberal lies and focus on the facts. President Muizzu was not assaulted in Parliament, as much as X might want you to believe otherwise. But hey, I have a feeling this won’t be the last time they try to pull the wool over our eyes. Keep your wits about you, my conservative friends, and stand strong against the sea of liberal misinformation that surrounds us. We’re in this fight together!

Written by Staff Reports

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