
AOC Slams Biden Border Fix – Trump Redux or Legit Clampdown?

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just couldn’t resist taking a dig at good ol’ President Joe Biden. She hopped on her soapbox and blasted Biden’s potential executive order to toughen up the southern border, making it harder for immigrants to seek asylum. AOC, as she’s famously known, called out Biden, saying, “Doing Trump impressions isn’t how we beat Trump,” and ranted about how seeking asylum is a “legal right of all people.” She even went as far as saying that the mere suggestion of this executive order is outrageous and that the President should refuse to sign it.

Reports are swirling that Biden is mulling over using the Immigration and Nationality Act – a piece of legislation that former President Trump used to tighten the screws on illegal border crossings. Should Biden go through with this executive order, it would toughen up the asylum screening process at the southern border, putting restrictions on immigrants who are deemed “detrimental to the interests of the United States.” Seems like common sense, right?

Now, the progressive base and Democratic lawmakers are fuming at the President over this matter, along with the handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. But let’s be real here, when aren’t they mad about something? A White House official chimed in, saying the administration is looking into ways to tackle the border crisis, but no confirmations have been made yet. They even called out the Republicans, claiming they put “partisan politics ahead of our national security” and didn’t deliver on significant policy reforms and additional resources. Classic blame game, isn’t it?

So, there you have it, folks. AOC is huffing and puffing over Biden’s potential toughening of the southern border, while the White House is trying to figure out how to spin this mess. Who knew politics could be such a circus?

Written by Staff Reports

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