
Biden Ditches Mask for Pics, Defies Own ‘Follow the Science’ Advice!

As they conveniently started pushing for masks just in time for the upcoming presidential election, the Biden White House's most recent effort to make COVID-19 relevant is raising questions. Masks have been a source of debate throughout the pandemic, and the evidence is unequivocal: they don't work. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party persists in promoting them to Americans despite the evidence.

What's more distressing is that the Biden White House is once again advising people to wear masks, despite studies showing that they don't work to prevent illness. While touring the freshly remodeled situation room, President Joe Biden donned a mask but later removed it for a picture opportunity. He also decided to remain unmasked while standing close to several others, which further added to the uncertainty. It's mind-boggling how inconsistent everything is.

New guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise those who had close contact with a COVID patient to wear masks indoors and around other people for ten days. This comes after Biden earlier this year pronounced COVID to be finished. It appears that there is disagreement inside the Biden Administration.

Recently, First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID, and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that the president would follow CDC advice and wear a mask for the next ten days. However, before speaking to reporters, Biden was spotted walking into the White House State Dining Room with a face mask but not really donning it. Despite the Left's scare tactics, his cavalier attitude toward masks suggests that COVID must not be a major problem if he is parading around without one. It is obvious that the Biden administration is employing masks as a political gimmick instead of concentrating on effective ways to stop the infection.

Written by Staff Reports

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