
Biden Energy Official’s Electric Car Fiasco: A Green Dream Nightmare!

In a comical turn of events, a high-ranking member of the Biden Department of Energy found herself caught up in a dispute over electric vehicle chargers during a tour of the southern states. Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy, embarked on a cross-country journey to flaunt President Biden’s push for green transportation policies. However, things took an embarrassing turn when Granholm and her electric vehicle entourage found themselves in Grovetown, Georgia, desperately in need of a charging fix.

As the Daily Caller reports, Granholm and her fleet of electric vehicles, including a Cadillac and a Ford F-150, resorted to desperate measures to secure a charging station for the busy Secretary. They shamelessly used a non-electric vehicle to block access to one of the only three working chargers at the site. Unsurprisingly, this led to a heated dispute with a family who, like Granholm, were eagerly waiting their turn to plug in. The situation escalated to the point where the desperate family even called the police. Talk about drama!

Unfortunately for the family, the local sheriff’s department couldn’t do anything about the situation since there are no laws against parking a non-electric vehicle in front of an electric vehicle charger. It’s like the Wild West out there in Georgia! In a scramble to rectify the chaos, Granholm’s Energy Department staff had to redirect their vehicles to slower-charging units, just so the family and the Secretary could finally get their much-needed charge. To further add to the mess, one of the four chargers at the site was even broken. It seems like this grand showcase of Biden’s electric vehicle revolution didn’t quite go as planned.

One electric BMW driver, John Ryan, who happened to witness the whole debacle, nonchalantly mentioned that these disputes are quite common in Georgia due to the lack of electric vehicle infrastructure in the state. Well, that’s just peachy!

This entire situation highlights the Biden administration’s failure to deliver on their promises of promoting electric vehicle chargers. Despite the flashy promises and the anticipation surrounding the national infrastructure bill, the administration has yet to make any significant progress in expanding the charging network. This has not only irked auto industry unions but has even led conservative states like Wyoming to opt out of the funding. It’s clear that Biden’s grand plans are nothing more than empty promises, leaving Americans in limbo when it comes to reliable electric vehicle infrastructure.

Written by Staff Reports

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