
Biden-era White House Drag Performer Faces Multiple Assault Allegations

Last year, during Biden’s time in office, there was an event at the White House that caused quite a stir in conservative circles. The event featured adult entertainers, including strippers, as part of a pride/drag show. One of the performers was a transgender individual named Rose Montoya, who exposed themselves in front of children at the event.

Thankfully, Montoya was swiftly banned from the White House following this inappropriate display. It shows the importance of upholding decency in our society, especially in such prominent places like the White House.

Recently, Montoya has been accused of sexual assault by a woman who identifies as a transgender man named Jesse Diamond. Diamond recounted a disturbing incident where Montoya took advantage of them while Diamond was recovering from surgery. This is a troubling and serious accusation that must be thoroughly investigated. 


According to Diamond, there are at least four other transgender individuals who have come forward claiming they were also assaulted by Montoya. These allegations paint a disturbing picture of Montoya’s behavior and raise concerns about the safety of those around him.

While the authenticity of certain pieces of evidence is still being verified, the gravity of the accusations cannot be overlooked. It is crucial that justice is served and that those responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable.

This news story highlights the importance of upholding traditional values and morals in our society. Instances like these serve as a reminder of the dangers of normalizing behaviors that go against the fabric of our society. It is essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of individuals, especially vulnerable populations, and ensure that justice prevails in situations of abuse and assault.

Written by Staff Reports

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