
Biden Family Corruption: White House Stumbles, GOP Digs Deeper!

The corruption story about the Biden family keeps going. The White House Counsel's carefully worded response to the shakedown message that reportedly involved Hunter Biden and Chinese officials moved the goalposts. The answer picks up Joe Biden's old comments about his son's business dealings and throws them off a cliff.

The White House communications office refused to answer any questions about it, which made the briefing room a mess. Reporters asked the press secretary over and over again if Biden was in the room when the alleged corruption happened. The press secretary told them to ask the White House Counsel's office. Joe Biden used to say that he had never talked about business with his son. His later answer that the President was not doing business with his son was a big step back from that.

Now, the most important question is whether or not money from Hunter Biden's illegal activities went back to the president, which is the whole point of this situation. Investigators from Congress are digging deeper into this case, and it looks like claims that the president lied about his son's business deals are quickly coming to the surface.

Things are going downhill fast for the Biden family, and when even the White House press corps stops covering for them, you know that things have gotten worse. The case is just the start. There is so much more for agents to figure out and learn. Republicans in Congress seem to want to find out the truth, but it's not clear what part the DOJ leadership will play in this. Americans need the DOJ to feel bad about itself and do its job.

Written by Staff Reports

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