
Biden Family Exposed: House Grills James on Shady Millions and Chinese Deals!

On this oh-so-wonderful Wednesday morning, the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees are all set to grill none other than James Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother. And boy, oh boy, is this going to be a doozy. Our very own House Judiciary Chairman, Jim Jordan, had a little chitchat with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo to let everyone in on the juicy details of what the committees are just dying to hear about.

According to Jordan, there’s a three-chapter novel of shadiness when it comes to the Biden family. It starts off before Joe Biden threw his hat in the ring for president, continued through his campaign, and wraps up with all the drama that’s gone down since he waltzed into the Oval Office. And let me tell you, folks, it’s a real page-turner!

Now, Jordan thinks that James Biden’s time to shine will be when we rewind to before his bro became a presidential candidate. That’s where all the money, the business, and the brand shenanigans took place. We’re talking about 20 different companies raking in over $20 million by peddling access to the Biden name. And hold onto your hats, because it doesn’t stop there! James Biden also had his grubby little mitts in some Chinese energy company pies and a bunch of other sketchy business dealings.

But wait, there’s more! A POLITICO report spilled the tea on how James Biden was trying to use his famous last name to boost up a hospital chain that, surprise, surprise, went belly up. And if that ain’t enough, other witnesses who’ve taken the stand have been dropping James Biden’s name like it’s hot, including some gal named Carol Fox, a fella named Mervyn Yan, and another chap named Rob Walker. Seems like James Biden just can’t stay out of the limelight, can he?

Oh, but hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re not done yet. Let’s rewind to good ol’ Joe’s VP days. Seems like some bloke named Tony Bobulinski spilled the tea on how the Chinese Communist Party was trying to worm its way into the Obama-Biden White House through some energy companies. And get this, it was all happening while good ol’ Joe was still riding shotgun as the VP. And if that doesn’t ruffle some feathers, I don’t know what will!

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any juicier, along comes Rob Walker (not to be confused with Rob Walker the race car driver, mind you). He spilled the beans on some email that showed percentages being divvied up from some CEFC deal, with a little slice of the pie going to James Biden and a sweet 10% set aside for none other than Hunter Biden, AKA “the big guy.” Now, Walker played dumb about who “the big guy” really is, but we all know what’s what, don’t we?

But wait, there’s more! Even though Walker wouldn’t spill the beans, Bobulinski sure did! And as if that wasn’t enough, good ol’ Jordan also had some thoughts on an FBI Agent named Alexander Smirnov who, despite being indicted, is still causing a ruckus. Jordan’s not too fussy about the double standards and is all about “we’ll have to wait and see.”

Now, Jordan wrapped up the interview by laying down the facts about good ol’ Joe’s involvement in all this drama. According to Jordan, there are four facts that just can’t be ignored. We’re talking about Hunter Biden getting cushy board gigs and moolah from Burisma, Joe applying the pressure to get a pesky prosecutor off their backs, and some good ol’ family financial benefits. It’s a tale as old as time, folks, with a politician pulling strings to rake in the dough for the fam. And the House Judiciary Committee is on the case, sniffing out all the cover-ups and shenanigans.

And that’s not the end of it, folks! The House Oversight Committee just can’t get enough of this drama and is all fired up to dish out those fresh-off-the-press POLITICO reports for everyone to devour. They’ve even taken a swipe at James Biden’s story, calling it a load of hogwash. It’s all coming to a head, and folks, there’s plenty more drama to come! So grab your popcorn and buckle up, because the Biden family drama train is full steam ahead!

Written by Staff Reports

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