
Biden Fumbles Murdered Citizen’s Name for Football Coach: How Out of Touch Can He Get?

In a bizarre turn of events, President Biden stumbled over the name of a murdered American citizen during the State of the Union address, calling her “Lincoln Riley” instead of her actual name, Laken Riley. Now, for all of you who might not know, Lincoln Riley is a big shot in the football world, but this mix-up had nothing to do with touchdowns or interceptions. The internet exploded with memes and posts poking fun at Biden’s embarrassing blunder, showing just how out of touch he really is.

While the online jests kept rolling, Laken Riley’s mom was not having any of it. She took to Facebook to express her disgust for the president’s insensitivity and lack of attention to detail. And honestly, who can blame her? If you can’t even get the name of a deceased person right, how can anyone trust you to lead a country?

Let’s be real here, folks. This wasn’t just a simple slip of the tongue. It was a glaring display of Biden’s incompetence and detachment from the American people. As conservatives, we can’t sit idly by and let our supposed leader stumble through such serious matters with such reckless abandon. This isn’t a game of Simon Says; these are people’s lives at stake.

But instead of owning up to his mistake and showing some genuine remorse, Biden decided to shift the focus to his language use, apologizing for calling the accused killer an “illegal.” Seriously? This is what he chooses to address? It’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while the ship is sinking. Biden needs a reality check, ASAP.

As for Coach Lincoln Riley, he’s stayed mum on the whole fiasco. And honestly, can you blame him? Who would want to get tangled up in the mess that Biden created? Let’s hope he’s focusing on coaching his team to victory and avoiding any more presidential pitfalls.

In the end, this debacle just goes to show how out of touch the current administration is with everyday Americans. We deserve leaders who pay attention to the details, show genuine empathy, and don’t get caught up in petty distractions. Let’s hold our elected officials accountable and demand better for our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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