
CNN Hits Rock Bottom: Worst Weekend Ratings in Almost 30 Years!

CNN, the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in the news,” is facing even more difficulties as it sinks to “rock bottom” ratings in a key viewership demographic. The network logged its worst weekend ratings in the highly coveted 25- to 54-year-old age range. And let’s just say, the numbers ain’t pretty. They managed to scrape together a measly 55,000 viewers for their weekend shows. No wonder they’re losing viewers faster than Joe Biden can forget his own name!

Not only is CNN struggling in the ratings department, but they’re also just not bringing in the viewers overall. They lagged behind Fox News and MSNBC, with a paltry 345,000 total viewers. It’s clear that conservatives have had enough of their biased and liberal agenda-driven reporting. Viewers want real news, not propaganda.

To add insult to injury, CNN recently appointed Mark Thompson as its new chairman and CEO. You might remember him as the former CEO of The New York Times Company. Yeah, that’s right, CNN thinks it’s a good idea to bring in someone from one of the most biased and left-leaning news organizations out there. Talk about doubling down on failure! Maybe they’re hoping Thompson can lead them to even lower ratings. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so sad.

But, hey, at least CNN knows how to have a good laugh, right? Recently, the hosts of the network were caught laughing and joking about the discovery of cocaine in the White House. I guess illegal drug use is just a big joke to them. How out of touch can you be? This is just another example of how far CNN has fallen from being a reputable news network.

It’s clear that CNN is in dire need of a major overhaul. They need to stop pushing their liberal agenda and start reporting the news fairly and objectively. Until then, viewers will continue to tune out and find their news from more trustworthy sources. CNN, it’s time to clean up your act and start giving the American people the news they deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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