
CNN Sale: Will Zucker Return to Sink Ship Again?

The possible sale of CNN has got everyone speculating. Could it be the end of the biased, left-wing propaganda network? The New York Post has reported that insiders are suggesting that Warners-Discovery may be looking to unload their problem property. And one name that has emerged as a serious contender for the purchase of CNN is none other than Jeff Zucker. Yes, you heard that right – the same Jeff Zucker who led the network to the brink of destruction.

It’s no secret that CNN is in dire straits. They have lost over two million viewers, a significant 90 percent drop, since Zucker left in February 2022. Yet, there are still those within the network who pine for their former boss’s return. However, Zucker’s leadership resulted in a deeply partisan, anti-Trump stance. Zucker allowed Chris Cuomo to commit numerous journalistic failures on-air and forged a highly questionable relationship with Andrew Cuomo. He also gave Don Lemon free rein to deliver biased rants, encouraged Jim Acosta’s garrulous behavior at the White House, and used Brian Stelter as a moral mouthpiece.

All of these decisions paved the way for CNN’s current state of disarray. Zucker’s track record of ethical lapses and biased leadership have been disastrous for the network. Who would want to go back to those dark days of inflammatory, left-wing bias?

Let’s also not ignore the fact that if Zucker does indeed buy CNN, the financing may be coming from an Abu Dhabi-centered oil money organization called International Media Investments. This could raise all sorts of concerns around how CNN covers global events and environmental issues.

In conclusion, the idea of Jeff Zucker buying CNN is absurd. His tenure at the network produced an irreparable, lasting damage to the integrity of journalistic objectivity. Zucker’s return would only signal a return to those destructive days, and that’s something no one would want.

Written by Staff Reports

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