
Dem Infighting Erupts: Biden & Harris Under Fire from Own Party!

The writer couldn’t believe their eyes as they scrolled through the news feed. It seems that even a few chosen Democrats are finally fed up with President Joe Biden and his floundering policies. Can you believe it?! Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat from Minnesota, posted a fiery video taking aim at Biden, using historical audio of former President John F. Kennedy to drive home his point about the floundering nation. The video didn’t hold back, showcasing the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the chaos at the southern border, and intense protests. Along with all that negativity, the message was clear and loud: Biden just doesn’t have what it takes to defeat Trump. Talk about a jab to the ribs!

And that’s not all—Phillips even took a swipe at Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming that she’s definitely not in the position to take over for Biden. In an interview with the Atlantic, Phillips lit into Harris, saying that her approval ratings are so abysmal, it’s clear she wouldn’t be able to handle being the commander-in-chief. Ouch! The gloves are off with this Democrat, that’s for sure.

But wait, there’s even more drama! Another Democrat, Rep. Robert Garcia from California, took a swing at Phillips, accusing him of “attacking” Harris and shredding his reputation on the way out. Like a juicy political soap opera, the drama just keeps building and building!

And it’s not just Democrats getting in on the action. It turns out that Biden’s blunders are so clear, it’s now a consensus that the U.S. is on the brink of WWIII. Plus, the southern border is basically a welcome mat for dangerous drugs and human trafficking, while everyday Americans are struggling to make ends meet thanks to out-of-control inflation. If that isn’t enough, Biden’s lack of strength on the world stage is making the country vulnerable to significant national security threats. Yikes!

So, what’s the grand finale to this unfolding political drama? Phillips has thrown his hat in the ring for the 2024 election, confidently declaring that in 2020, Biden was the only Democrat who could’ve defeated Trump, but in 2024, he’s just another one of the many who will lose to him. It looks like the Democrats are starting to eat their own, and with Biden’s approval ratings on a nosedive, it’s no wonder they’re getting antsy. It’s politics at its finest, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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