
Democrat Dismisses Pledge as ‘Performative Patriotism’, Faces Massive Outrage!

In a clear display of hypocrisy, Tennessee state Representative Justin Jones, a Democrat, has refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance while preaching “power to the people” on the House floor. Jones, who brought in a Native American speaker to offer an opening prayer in the Choctaw language, declined to participate in the pledge, citing his opposition to former President Donald Trump and what he called “performative patriotism” from his Republican colleagues.

It’s outrageous for any lawmaker to label the recitation of the pledge as “performative,” but for Jones to make such an accusation is beyond rich. This is the same representative who led chants of “power to the people” on the House floor in protest after a shooting incident. Jones and another Democrat were even voted to be expelled from the Tennessee legislature by the Republican-controlled House in April, but were later reinstated and re-elected by voters in their districts.

But Jones’ refusal to recite the pledge is not the worst of his “performative” actions. A photograph surfaced of Jones standing on top of a police car surrounded by a rowdy crowd during a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020. Clearly, Jones has no problem with being “performative” when it suits his agenda.

One X user responded to Jones’ tweet, stating that his refusal to pledge allegiance to the country he swore an oath to is grounds for his termination. Another user pointed out that there was no insurrection, unless Jones was referring to his own actions. It’s clear that many Americans are fed up with representatives like Jones who prioritize their own agendas over loyalty and patriotism.

Jones may have been honest when he didn’t say the pledge, but his actions speak volumes about his lack of regard for the country he is meant to serve. With his track record of undermining our country, it’s no surprise that the pledge would just be a “performance” from his lips. It’s time for Jones to resign and make way for a representative who truly values and respects America.

Written by Staff Reports

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