
Tax Dollars at Work? UN Group Aids Terrorists!

In a scathing message to Congress, over 70 policy experts, activists, and former lawmakers are demanding that the United States permanently withdraw funding from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). And you know what? It’s about time!

These experts have caught wind of some shocking news: multiple UNRWA employees were found to have aided Hamas in their attacks against Israel. Can you believe it? The very organization that the American people have been pouring their hard-earned tax dollars into is actually supporting terrorism. It’s like a bad movie plot, but unfortunately, it’s all too real.

Advancing American Freedom, a conservative policy organization founded by none other than former Vice President Mike Pence, delivered the scathing letter to key congressional leaders. They made it clear that the United States cannot, in good conscience, continue to fund an organization that has been caught red-handed aiding and abetting terrorists.

For years, we’ve been fed lies about UNRWA being a humanitarian organization that just wants to help millions of so-called “Palestinian refugees.” But now the truth is out there for everyone to see. These employees, who were supposed to be providing aid to those in need, were actually celebrating attacks on Israel. It’s sickening.

The letter, signed by prominent figures such as former U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman and CEO of Concerned Women of America Penny Nance, calls on Congress to defund UNRWA immediately. And they’re right. Not one penny of taxpayer money should ever again go towards supporting an organization that has shown such disregard for innocent lives.

Reports from Israeli intelligence officials have revealed that nearly 1,200 UNRWA employees have connections to Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And what’s even more appalling is that two UNRWA teachers held an elderly Israeli woman and a young boy hostage separately. This is the organization that is supposed to be helping Palestinians in Gaza? Give us a break.

It’s time for Congress to act. The U.S. has already donated over $1 billion to UNRWA since 2021, thanks to President Joe Biden lifting former President Donald Trump’s decision to cut off funding. But now we know the truth. Our taxpayer dollars are falling into the hands of terrorist groups like Hamas.

Lawmakers proposed legislation in 2023 to halt further funding to UNRWA, but unfortunately, it didn’t make it out of Senate committees. Now, it’s time for them to revisit that bill and take decisive action. The American people deserve better than this. Our money should be going towards organizations that actually prioritize peace and security, not those that support terrorism.

It’s time to defund UNRWA once and for all. Let’s put an end to this charade and ensure that our taxpayer dollars are used responsibly. The American people demand it, and it’s high time Congress listened.

Written by Staff Reports

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