
Dems Caught Ballot Stuffing in CT Primary – Learn How They Tried to Steal Elections!

What a shocking turn of events! A judge in Connecticut had to throw out the results of a Democrat mayoral primary because it was thought that the ballots had been tampered with. It looks like the Democrats can't stay away from elections. Superior Court Judge William Clark called for a new primary, saying that the wrongdoing and tampering with the votes were the main reasons.

Let's break this down now, people. So many tampered votes were found that the results of the first election had to be changed. Say what you want about not being fair! This behavior was so bad that Judge Clark said he was "unable to determine the legitimate result." It's crazy to see videos of people stuffing voting boxes with absentee votes. They don't seem to care at all!

In Connecticut, it is a state felony to have someone else's vote unless you are their "designee." This is even more outrageous. The Democrats don't seem to care about the law at all, though. They were caught in the act of trying to change the election to help themselves. It is truly disgusting.

Also, listen up. Vice Chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee Wanda Geter-Pataky used her Fifth Amendment right more than once in court when asked if she was the person in the surveillance video who was putting "hundreds of absentee ballots" in a drop box. It looks like she doesn't want to know the truth. But I want you to know that Geter-Pataky is a strong backer of Mayor Joe Ganim. It's not a surprise. Is it true that "birds of a feather flock together"?

But let's not forget that Mayor Ganim also has some bad things going on. Even though he was found guilty of cheating during his first term, the people of Bridgeport chose to elect him again. Anyway, I guess they like sketchy people. I'm sorry, I can't explain it. It's beyond what I can understand.

In the end, this case is just another example of how the Democrats are ready to cheat and rig elections to stay in power. Even though it's sad, we have judges like William Clark who will not let them get away with it. People, we need to be careful. We can't let the Democrats take advantage of our system. Remember to be strong, learn as much as you can, and not let them trick you.

Written by Staff Reports

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