
DHS Hunts 50 Illegal Immigrants With ISIS Ties Amid Escalating Border Crisis Under Biden

In a recent development tied to the ongoing border crisis under President Biden, the Department of Homeland Security is currently on the hunt for over 50 illegal immigrants who were brought into the U.S. by a smuggling network with alleged connections to the Islamic State. This alarming news underscores the dangers posed by Biden’s lax border policies, which have allowed a flood of unidentifiable individuals from over 150 countries, including known hotbeds of terrorism like Afghanistan.

Reports indicate that out of the 400 immigrants identified as “subjects of concern” due to their ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network, more than 150 have already been apprehended. However, the whereabouts of over 50 individuals remain unknown, prompting Immigration and Customs Enforcement to intensify efforts to locate and arrest them on immigration charges. The need for extra caution in handling these cases highlights the potential security risks associated with Biden’s reckless approach to border security.

It is concerning to note that many of these migrants were released into the U.S. by Customs and Border Protection despite not being on the government’s terrorism watchlist, reflecting a lack of proper vetting procedures. The heightened focus on migrants from countries where ISIS has been active, such as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Moldova, underscores the growing threat of terrorism infiltrating the country through unchecked immigration.

As law enforcement authorities scramble to locate these missing individuals and ensure public safety, it’s clear that prioritizing national security should take precedence over political agendas. The fact that immigration charges are being used to track down these individuals highlights the urgent need for stronger border controls and more rigorous screening measures to prevent potentially dangerous individuals from entering the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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