
Disabled Vet Outraged: PD Tases PTSD Service Dog in Unjust Arrest Fiasco!

In a shocking incident, a disabled veteran named Joshua Rohrer from Gastonia, North Carolina, is suing the local police department for tasing his service dog, Sunshine, who tragically died as a result of the encounter in 2021. This is a clear case of government overreach and abuse of power.

Rohrer, a former military service member, was homeless and struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder at the time of the incident. Despite his circumstances, he and Sunshine were a familiar and friendly presence in the community. People would voluntarily donate food and money to him, demonstrating the kind-heartedness of the community.

However, it seems that not everyone in the community appreciated Rohrer’s presence. Two members of the Gastonia Police Department seemed determined to target him. Despite not committing any crimes, they would constantly tell him to leave the area, which was public property. This is nothing short of harassment and a violation of Rohrer’s rights.

Sadly, the situation escalated when Officer Cierra Brooks approached Rohrer and insisted on citing him for alleged panhandling, even though he maintains his innocence. When Rohrer tried to defend himself and explain that he had never asked anyone for money, things took a violent turn. The officers threatened to take away Sunshine, Rohrer’s emotional support dog, and even euthanize her. This kind of intimidation and cruelty is completely unacceptable and goes against the principles of justice and compassion.

To make matters worse, when Sunshine tried to come to her owner’s aid, Officer Taylor unnecessarily tased her. This brutal act resulted in Sunshine escaping and ultimately being hit by a car and dying. It is heartbreaking to think that this loyal service dog, who was simply trying to comfort her owner, met such a tragic end because of the excessive and unjust actions of the police.

Joshua Rohrer’s decision to sue the police department and hold them accountable for their actions is commendable. It is crucial that law enforcement officials are held to the highest standards and that incidents like this are thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, the ordinance under which Rohrer was arrested should be declared unconstitutional to prevent future injustices.

This case serves as a reminder that we must always be vigilant in protecting our constitutional rights and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Disabled veterans like Joshua Rohrer deserve our support and the justice they seek. And let’s not forget the sacrifice of Sunshine, who lost her life in this tragic incident. May their fight for justice bring about awareness and change on a local and national level.

Written by Staff Reports

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