
Dr. Phil Blasts Biden’s Border Chaos: “It’s Insane!”

Former TV talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw recently took a trip to the U.S.-Mexico Border and boy oh boy, was he shocked! He described the situation as “insane,” and rightfully so. Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has been bravely fighting the Biden administration in court to put an end to the illegal immigration crisis at the border. And let me tell you, Dr. Phil did not hold back when criticizing the Biden administration’s border policies. He pointed out that rewarding bad behavior, like crossing the border illegally, only encourages more of it. I couldn’t agree more, Dr. Phil!

During his visit, Dr. Phil had a chance to talk to the hardworking Border Patrol agents who are on the frontlines of this crisis. And let me tell you, these guys are the real deal! They’re fighting a morale battle because they simply can’t get what they need to do their job effectively. Can you believe it? They’re saying we don’t need more money, resources, or officers. We just need our laws to be followed! It’s as simple as that. But the Biden administration seems to be turning a blind eye to this common-sense solution.

But here’s the real kicker. Dr. Phil noticed a stark difference in how illegal immigrants react to different authorities. When they run into a Texas Department of Public Safety border guard wearing a brown uniform, they get arrested, put in jail, and promptly sent back. Makes sense, right? But when they encounter a federal agent in a green uniform, they get money, a court date years down the line, and are released into the country. That’s right, they’re rewarded! Is it just me, or does that sound completely insane?

Now, brace yourself for the shocking numbers. According to United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), over 380,000 illegal immigrants were encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border during the first two months of fiscal year 2024. And that’s after over 302,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border just in December. These numbers are staggering! It’s clear that the Biden administration’s lax border policies are leading to an unprecedented influx of people breaking our laws.

It’s time for the Biden administration to wake up and smell the coffee. We don’t need more legislation or empty promises. We need strong enforcement of the laws that are already on the books. We need to support our incredible Border Patrol agents who are doing their best to keep our country safe. And most importantly, we need leaders who prioritize the security and wellbeing of American citizens over the demands of illegal immigrants. It’s time to put America first!

Written by Staff Reports

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