In a blog post, Jack Dorsey, Twitter's former CEO, claimed that he was responsible for the platform's many faults. He also confessed that he lost his desire to fight and that he planned on leaving the company in 2020. One of his biggest mistakes at Twitter was developing tools that were designed to control the public discourse.
In his post, Dorsey talked about the "Twitter Files," which refer to the various internal messages and emails that show how the company was influenced by the government. He also discussed the discussion among employees about censorship.
In his post, Dorsey discussed his thoughts on how to fix the various flaws that have been identified in the platform. He also listed down three principles that he believed should be implemented in order to make Twitter a better place.
One of these principles is that social media platforms should be resistant to corporate and government censorship. They should also only be able to remove content that is created by the original author.
In his post, Dorsey blamed himself for the company's failure to adhere to these principles. He also noted that he stopped advocating for the platform when an activist bought Twitter stock in 2020.
According to Dorsey, after the ban on President Donald Trump was made, which he believed was the wrong decision for the society and the web, he began to understand how Twitter had become too powerful.
The main reason for the ban was due to the pressure from advertising and external factors, which Dorsey said Twitter was forced to accept.
In his post, Dorsey reiterated his belief that the work that is created on the internet should be considered permanent.
He also explained his ideal internet, where content moderation would be practically impossible. He claims that bans and content removal should never be possible.
He also believes that instead of having a single algorithm that is designed for a specific purpose, users should be able to use open-source algorithms.
The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Bearded Patriot.