
Hunter Biden Refuses Closed-Door Testimony. Are Dems Covering Up?

In a defiant press conference on Wednesday, Hunter Biden declared that he will only testify under his own terms and will not comply with the House investigators’ subpoena. This subpoena had ordered his testimony behind closed doors at 9:30 a.m. on the same day. Hunter Biden’s refusal to appear before the House investigators is expected to play a role in the House impeachment inquiry vote on Wednesday evening, specifically regarding President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in the Biden family business.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) pointed out six instances of mounting evidence against Joe Biden on Tuesday that he believes should not be ignored. These instances include Biden family members and business entities receiving over $15 million from individuals in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China. Additionally, Joe Biden had at least 22 conversations with Hunter Biden’s business associates, lied about his involvement in the business, received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business account, and investigators found deviations in the Justice Department’s investigation into Hunter Biden. Furthermore, an FBI FD-1023 form alleges that Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe while serving as vice president.

During his press conference, Hunter Biden stated that he is willing to answer any legitimate questions in a public hearing before the House Oversight Committee. He criticized the committee’s investigations into his family as based on distortions, manipulated evidence, and lies. Hunter Biden emphasized that his father, Joe Biden, had no financial involvement in his various business ventures, including Burisma and his partnership with a Chinese private businessman. He also denied any financial connection to his father’s activities as a lawyer or artist.

Both House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) previously threatened to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress if he did not comply with both a public and private interview. The punishment for contempt of Congress includes a potential $100,000 fine and imprisonment. Comer has made it clear that if Hunter Biden fails to meet with investigators, he expects Congress to hold the president’s son in contempt.

It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold, but the refusal of Hunter Biden to comply with the subpoena has further intensified the scrutiny on President Joe Biden and his family’s business dealings.

Written by Staff Reports

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