
Kamala’s Hysterical DeSantis Feud: Slavery Lies Unraveled on The View!

On Monday, ABC’s ‘The View’ took aim at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his educational legislation, resulting in a fiery debate among the co-hosts. The catalyst for the discussion was Vice President Kamala Harris’s false accusations regarding DeSantis’s efforts to distort historical facts with falsehoods.

During her visit to Jacksonville on Saturday, Harris claimed that DeSantis was attempting to gaslight the American public. She stated that middle school students in Florida would be taught that enslaved individuals actually benefited from slavery, while high schoolers might learn that victims of violence were also perpetrators. Harris accused DeSantis of insulting the American people in an attempt to manipulate their understanding of history.

One of the show’s hosts, Ana Navarro, a Florida resident, eagerly jumped on the bandwagon, criticizing DeSantis for allegedly perpetuating false narratives. Navarro expressed her anger at the “culture wars” that DeSantis has been engaged in, asserting that slavery represented the darkest chapter in American history. She accused those in Florida of attempting to whitewash slavery, admonishing them for their audacity.

Navarro did not stop there; she also took a swipe at Manny Diaz, Florida’s Commissioner of Education, claiming that DeSantis was employing divisive tactics and spreading misinformation to further his political ambitions. Navarro even highlighted DeSantis’s low approval ratings, insinuating that his attempts to manipulate history were ineffectual.

On Sunday, CNN’s political analyst Scott Jennings dismantled Harris’s claims, exposing her profound ignorance on the issue. He pointed out that the new curriculum clearly stated that enslaved individuals had developed skills that, in some cases, could be used for personal benefit. Jennings questioned Harris’s motives, suggesting that she had little to do and had fabricated a controversy out of thin air. He emphasized that scholars, not DeSantis, had written the standards, and all parties involved had debunked the notion that the curriculum distorted history.

Jennings concluded by deriding Harris’s embrace of this fabricated matter as her “best moment,” emphasizing how ridiculous it was that she would latch onto a baseless accusation so quickly. His comments aptly highlight the lack of substance behind Harris’s claims and the desperation exhibited by those who seek to undermine DeSantis’s reputation through false narratives.

In shining a light on this manufactured controversy, Jennings has exposed the hypocrisy and political opportunism at play. It is evident that these attacks on DeSantis’s educational legislation are merely tools wielded by the left to advance their own agenda. As conservatives, we must remain vigilant in challenging and exposing these false narratives to protect the truth and ensure that historical accuracy remains the foundation of our educational system.

Written by Staff Reports

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