
Kayleigh McEnany’s SHOCKING Revelation about Biden

Kayleigh McEnany recently exposed Joe Biden for using a “cheat sheet” during a press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday. McEnany, who served as press secretary in the Trump administration, noted that she had never experienced a situation like this during her time in the White House. The cheat sheet contained the names and questions of reporters Biden was scheduled to answer, and even had a pronunciation breakdown of her last name and “Question #1” handwritten at the top.

McEnany argued that the Biden team was given a heads-up so he could prepare his answer, which is a stark contrast to the Trump administration. “I talked to several members of my staff who were in the lower press. I was in upper press and lower presses where you had interactions on a daily basis with reporters,” McEnany said. “It’s really the front lines. And they said, no, nobody was coming to us with topics, with exact questions.”

This incident is just another example of how Joe Biden is not fit to be president. It is clear that Biden is not capable of handling the pressure of the job and needs to be spoon-fed information in order to answer questions. This is not the kind of leadership we need in the White House.

The Biden administration is trying to hide the truth from the American people and it is up to us to hold them accountable. We cannot allow Joe Biden to get away with this kind of behavior and must demand that he be held to a higher standard. We must also demand that our elected officials be honest and transparent with us about their actions. It is time for Joe Biden to step up and prove that he is capable of leading this country.

Written by Staff Reports

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