
Liberal Plot Uncovered: Bragg and Merchan’s Sneaky Tactics to Rig Jury Against Trump

Bragg and Merchan, the liberal duo, pulled a slick move to stack the jury against the former President and score a guilty verdict on some vague charge. The Big Apple’s own Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan DA, has been on a mission to take down Trump for years, and with the help of Judge Juan Merchan, they finally managed to push their own agenda through. It’s clear that these two are playing dirty politics, using their power to target someone they simply don’t like. But let’s not forget who we’re talking about here – Donald Trump, a true American icon being attacked by the left at every turn. The biased jury and the liberal DA may have had their way this time, but the fight is far from over. Trump’s supporters won’t stand for this witch hunt, and justice will prevail in the end.

Written by Staff Reports

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