
Missing” Biden Whistleblower Poised to Spill Beans: Comer Assures

Dr. Gal Luft’s video testimony from an undisclosed location has sent shockwaves through the political world. This courageous man went to the FBI with explosive allegations about the Biden family’s corrupt ties to China, only to be met with a shocking cover-up by law enforcement. It’s a story that the mainstream media would love to ignore, but now it has caught the attention of Representative James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

In an interview with Newsmax, Representative Comer spoke highly of Dr. Luft, calling him a “very credible witness” and challenging those on MSNBC who mocked him for claiming that an informant was missing. Comer rubbed it in their faces, saying, “This is their worst nightmare because- again- this is a credible witness that the FBI flew all the way to Brussels to interview. This is someone who knew about CEFC in detail long before the laptop ever became public.”

But the real bombshell comes when Comer reveals that the FBI failed to make Dr. Luft’s interview public. Why would they hide such important information? Comer suspects a pattern of the FBI meeting with witnesses who have damaging information about the Bidens and then doing absolutely nothing. It’s a clear case of bias and corruption within our own law enforcement agencies.

This is just the beginning, though. Comer promises that there are many more witnesses with damning evidence against the Biden family who will be testifying before Congress very soon. First on the list is Devon Archer, a former business associate of Hunter Biden. Archer will appear for a deposition next week, and according to Comer, there will be many more to follow.

The goal of these depositions is to uncover the truth about the millions of dollars that the Biden family has taken in. The press, of course, denied that these payouts ever happened, but Comer confidently states, “We have proven that to be wrong. They did get money when he [Joe Biden] was Vice President, they have taken millions of dollars, and there are no legitimate businesses.” This is the smoking gun that will finally expose Joe Biden’s long history of corruption.

So while the clueless journalists on MSNBC continue to spin their false narrative, the truth is slowly unraveling. The American people deserve to know the truth about the Biden family’s corrupt ties to China. And thanks to brave individuals like Dr. Gal Luft and the diligent work of Representative Comer, justice will finally be served. It’s a shame that it took this long, but as they say, better late than never.

#FakeNews #BidenCorruption #ExposeTheTruth

Written by Staff Reports

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