
Nigel Farage Fights WHO Overreach and Push for Pandemic Treaty

Brexit champion Nigel Farage is not backing down in his fight against the World Health Organization’s overreach! He’s teaming up with Action on World Health to combat the W.H.O.’s push for a global Pandemic Treaty. Farage is on a mission to slash the W.H.O.’s whopping £5.5 billion budget, aiming to put an end to their extravagant spending on luxury travel and thousands of unnecessary staff. Talk about getting rid of the excess fat!

Farage is sounding the alarm on the W.H.O.’s proposed pandemic treaty, which could give them the power to enforce lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations on all 194 member states. Yikes! He believes the W.H.O. is overstepping its boundaries by trying to dictate policies rather than sticking to its original purpose of sharing information and providing guidance. The W.H.O. should mind its own business, am I right?

Action on World Health is not holding back either. They’re determined to make the W.H.O. reform and focus on actually preventing the spread of infectious diseases, instead of wasting taxpayers’ money on useless endeavors. This group is even gearing up to launch a petition to urge Members of Parliament to debate the legitimacy of the pandemic treaty. Power to the people!

Farage is not alone in his discontent. Many are criticizing the W.H.O. for turning a blind eye to early warnings from Taiwan about the Chinese virus and for failing to tackle misinformation efficiently. Director-General Tedros has been under fire for trying to make the Pandemic Treaty legally binding, with some fearing it could infringe on national sovereignty. The British government, once open to the idea of joining the treaty, is now taking a stand to protect its own sovereignty. Go, Britain!

Will Farage and his allies succeed in reining in the W.H.O.’s power-hungry agenda? Stay tuned as this battle for national sovereignty and common sense unfolds!

Written by Staff Reports

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