
Poll Shows Biden at Risk as Swing Voters Lean Toward Trump

A recent poll conducted by the Washington Post-Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University suggests that President Joe Biden is at risk of losing his bid for re-election to former President Donald Trump. The poll focused on a group of voters known as the “deciders,” who are expected to play a crucial role in the outcome of the November election.

The survey targeted voters pivotal to the election results, including those who voted in only one of the past two presidential elections, individuals aged 18 to 25, newly registered voters since 2022, undecided voters, and those who switched their support between the 2016 and 2020 elections. The findings indicate that the “deciders” are leaning towards supporting Trump.

The poll revealed that 72% of the “deciders” are dissatisfied with the presidential candidates this year. Additionally, a majority disapproved of both Biden and Trump, but Trump’s disapproval ratings were notably better than Biden’s. Regarding candidate support, 59% of the “deciders” stated they would probably or definitely not vote for Biden, while 54% said the same for Trump. Despite this, the “deciders” tend to diverge from Trump on policies such as immigration and abortion.

Economic concerns are a significant issue for the “deciders,” with 73% rating the national economy negatively and 63% expressing negative views about the economy in their area. This issue is a top priority for them, aligning them more closely with Trump on economic matters.

The poll suggests a shift in support from swing voters who backed Biden in the 2020 election but are now open to considering Trump in 2024. National and swing state polls indicate that Trump is leading both nationally and in key battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.

These results highlight the critical role of the “deciders” in the upcoming election. Their support for Trump could significantly impact the outcome, suggesting that Trump’s prospects for re-election are gaining momentum as the campaign season progresses.

Written by Staff Reports

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