Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, recently had a chat with Joe Rogan, a popular podcaster who is often targeted by liberals for his alleged conspiracy theories and strong opinions on COVID. Despite being labeled as such, Rogan is actually more of a liberal than anything else, with his political beliefs leaning towards that of a classical liberal with a touch of Bernie Sanders. However, he has managed to build a loyal fan base and has become untouchable, much to the dismay of some has-been musicians who unsuccessfully tried to get him removed from Spotify.
During their conversation, Johnson and Rogan discussed the divide in today’s political discourse and how it used to be acceptable to have friends with different political views. Nowadays, having a friend who supports the Republican party automatically makes you guilty of enabling white supremacy or whichever “ism” the progressive sect is currently fixated on. The Rock agreed with Rogan’s observation, stating that he has friends who support both Trump and Biden. However, when Rogan questioned whether he really had friends who supported Biden, The Rock had to backtrack and clarify that his friends are loyal to the Democratic Party, not necessarily to Biden himself.
Joe Rogan Asked The Rock If His Friends Really Support Joe Biden. His Answer Was Telling. https://t.co/pwCHH21Wop
— Fearless45 (@Fearless45Trump) November 17, 2023
It is worth noting that in the 2020 election, Biden was not the top choice for many liberals, but he was seen as their best shot at defeating Trump. All the other high-profile candidates failed to make a lasting impact during the campaign. Biden, despite his advanced age, became the Democrats’ last hope. However, since taking office, Biden has started to lose support from certain core groups within the Democratic base, including Muslim voters in key states such as Minnesota and Michigan.
The disappointment some Democrats feel towards Biden is outweighed by their fear of a potential rematch between him and Trump in the 2024 race. While no one wants to see that rematch happen, it seems like it might just be on the horizon. This raises questions about the lack of strong candidates among the Democrats and their overall bench strength. After all, Biden was their only hope… seriously?