Kathy McCord, a former counselor in Indiana, is suing the school corporation of South Madison after she was fired for refusing to implement a plan that would have required educators to use gender-neutral pronouns. In an interview, she criticized the plan and was subsequently fired.
According to the conservative legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, McCord was fired because she was exercising her freedom of speech and because she was concerned about her students. The school's policy is harmful to children and violates her religious freedom. It also prevents parents from learning about their children's mental health.
In the U.S., school districts have been implementing policies that prevent students from transitioning from their traditional conservative parents to a more gender-neutral one. Some of the biggest school districts in the country, such as Chicago, New York, and LAUSD, require teachers to keep the details of students' gender transition from their parents. McCord's lawsuit against the school system is the result of her opposition to what she believed was an authoritarian authority over the family.
As a community member, McCord was able to politely disagree with the school's policy. Her religious beliefs were used as the reason for her termination. For decades, she had been a great teacher and had done an excellent job for the school corporation. Now, she just wants to go back to work helping other kids.
Indiana Counselor Sues School District After Being Fired For Rejecting Trans Support Plan https://t.co/z8ce7leBpT
— Sharon K. Gilbert (@sharonkgilbert) May 19, 2023
The South Madison School Corporation did not provide a response when asked about the lawsuit. It's clear that the school system violated McCord' rights by compelling her to violate her religious principles and participate in an unethical policy. The move is part of a wider trend toward authoritarian policies that aim to undermine the beliefs and values of conservative families and individuals. Kathy McCore is a hero of these principles.
Source: The Daily Caller