
Trump Refutes Claims He Dislikes Milwaukee at Wisconsin Rally

Former President Donald Trump hilariously debunked claims that he referred to Milwaukee, the host of the GOP nominating convention, as a “horrible city” during his pit stop in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Trump’s all-too-familiar charisma was in full swing as he passionately told rally-goers in Racine about his fondness for Milwaukee, shattering the left’s desperate attempts to paint him as an enemy of the city.

The former president, known for his straight-shooting style, told the enthusiastic crowd that accusations about him despising Milwaukee were nothing but media fabrications. Trump was clear: he picked Milwaukee for the convention, despite its notorious crime rates and questionable election integrity, because he loves Milwaukee. Those accusing him of otherwise, in his characteristic style, were deemed liars.

The rumblings started with a Punchbowl News report which suggested Trump had trashed Milwaukee during a private meeting in Washington, D.C. Of course, Democrats pounced on this faster than a liberal on a taxpayer-funded handout. They were quick to erect a billboard along Interstate 94 in Racine County branding Trump as a disaster for Wisconsin’s economy, a laughable claim given the current economic circus under Biden’s administration.

To add fuel to the manufactured fire, there were whispers that Trump might stay at his Chicago hotel and commute to Milwaukee during the RNC—a hollow suggestion if there ever was one. Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s national press secretary, promptly dismissed these rumors, confirming Trump’s plans to stay in Milwaukee for the convention. This, of course, wasn’t good enough for the Democrats, who are evidently content to not let the facts get in the way of their narrative.

The Dems, probably feeling nostalgic about the 2020 election shenanigans, reminded everyone in Wisconsin of Trump’s phantom remarks via roadside billboards. The DNC and their lapdog media can try all they want, but Trump’s focus on Wisconsin highlights its importance in the coming electoral battle. Let’s not forget, this is the state that propelled him to the White House in 2016 and could very well do it again.

In his Racine speech, Trump didn’t miss the chance to slam Biden’s latest executive overreach on immigration. Biden’s plan to grant legal protections and pave a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens—another desperate ploy to shore up the liberal vote—was received with resounding boos. Trump called out this political maneuvering for what it is: an illegal, unconstitutional amnesty designed to bypass Congress and the American people.

The GOP convention in Milwaukee will indeed be a sight to see come July 15-18. By then, Trump will have had his day in New York courts, which, let’s be honest, is just another installment in the long-running Democrat witch hunt against him. As the border crisis looms large and the economy flounders under Biden, Trump’s message of real leadership and lawfulness will undoubtedly resonate with American voters fed up with the current dysfunction.

Written by Staff Reports

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