
27 GOP Attorneys General Ask Supreme Court to Block Mexico’s Anti-Gun Lawsuit

In 2021, Mexico teamed up with American gun control activists to sue U.S. firearms manufacturers over cartel violence. The lawsuit was first thrown out but later brought back by an appeals court. Now, 27 Republican state attorneys general are asking the Supreme Court to step in and stop Mexico’s legal attack on the U.S. gun industry and American Second Amendment rights.

This move by Mexico and gun control advocates is seen by conservatives as an attempt to change U.S. gun laws through the courts, instead of through proper legislative channels. It is concerning to many Republicans that a foreign government is trying to influence American laws and bankrupt law-abiding gun companies.

The coalition of GOP-led states is standing up to defend the Second Amendment, the firearms industry, and U.S. sovereignty against Mexico’s lawsuit. They argue that American gun manufacturers should not be held accountable for criminals’ actions, especially when the guns are legally made and sold.

The petition to the Supreme Court questions whether U.S. gun companies can be blamed for Mexico’s violence problems caused by drug cartels. It also challenges the idea that selling firearms in the U.S. amounts to supporting illegal gun trafficking. Conservatives believe that Mexico should take responsibility for its own gun violence issues instead of targeting American gun makers.

The fight against Mexico’s lawsuit continues as the gun industry and Republican-led states push back against what they see as a foreign attempt to interfere with U.S. laws and sovereignty. Conservatives argue that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was put in place to prevent exactly this kind of lawsuit and protect American businesses from unjust legal attacks.

Written by Staff Reports

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