
Aides Reveal Biden’s Optimal Work Hours Raise Concerns About Mental Acuity

Reports from White House aides suggest that President Joe Biden’s focus and engagement are limited to a mere six-hour window. According to sources, Biden is said to be “dependably engaged” between 10 am and 4 pm, with verbal miscues and fatigue becoming more common outside of that timeframe.

Several aides have shared observations of Biden’s absent-minded moments, juxtaposed with instances where he appears involved and present. The President’s debate performance, notably during the late-night showdown against Donald Trump, has raised concerns about his mental acuity and physical stamina.

Critics point to Biden’s freeze-ups, confusion, hoarse voice, and repetition of debunked claims as evidence of his potential shortcomings. Calls for his replacement have emerged, with donors reportedly panicking and some even distancing themselves from his campaign.

Despite the mounting skepticism, Biden’s camp remains steadfast, with figures like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton rallying behind him. A fundraising email featuring support from actor Robert De Niro has also been circulated to shore up backing for the President.

Public sentiment seems to reflect these apprehensions, with polls indicating a significant portion of voters questioning Biden’s mental sharpness and fitness for a second term. As the debate over Biden’s capabilities continues to simmer, his supporters are adamant about pushing forward, even as doubts linger in the air.

Written by Staff Reports

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Former White House Deputy Raises Alarms Over Biden’s Mental Acuity and Inner Circle Actions