
Alabama Man Indicted for Bombing Attorney General Office, Faces 20 Years

An Alabama man has been indicted on charges of detonating an explosive device outside the Alabama Attorney General’s Office. Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert allegedly set off the improvised explosive device in the early morning of Feb. 25. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries or significant damage to nearby buildings. If convicted, Calvert may face a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 20 years without parole.

Court documents and filings from authorities indicate that Calvert distributed stickers on government buildings near the bomb site that supported certain “political ideologies,” including those associated with the term “Antifa.” The term “Antifa” is associated with individuals who hold anti-fascist beliefs, but it is also connected with violent extremists who oppose capitalism and the U.S. government. The explosive device used commercially available pyrotechnic fireworks as its main ingredient, and it was augmented by gasoline and other flammable substances, as well as screws and nails to maximize damage.

Although the explosion caused minimal damage, the 911 call reporting the incident was initially considered “unfounded.” It wasn’t until the following day that employees discovered the impact of the explosion. Surveillance footage and social media images led investigators to Calvert, who had no prior arrests in the state but was described by a former supervisor as having “mental struggles” and being “borderline unstable.”

Calvert’s arrest was the result of a joint effort by the FBI, state and local law enforcement agencies. If convicted, he faces a mandatory minimum of five years in prison and a maximum penalty of 20 years. The FBI lab analysis revealed the construction of the explosive device and helped in identifying and arresting Calvert for his alleged involvement in the bombing. The case is currently being prosecuted by the Middle District of Alabama.

Written by Staff Reports

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