
Biden Quakes as No Labels Eyes 2024 Spoiler Role; Clinton Joins Fray to Thwart Threat!

In a shocking twist, the nefarious group known as No Labels is at it again, causing headaches for President Joe Biden and his reelection campaign. The threat of snatching away crucial votes in an expected rematch with former President Donald Trump has sparked panic within the Biden camp. But fear not, dear readers, for the president’s campaign has an ace up its sleeve in the form of none other than former President Bill Clinton.

Ah, yes, the master of bipartisan charm from the 1990s has come out of the woodwork to lend a hand. According to a report from New York Magazine, Clinton used his famous silver tongue to talk sense into Sen. Joe Manchin and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. These two were apparently considering a presidential run, but Clinton swooped in to set them straight.

The report claims that Clinton met with Hogan in Little Rock, Arkansas, and basically told him, “Running for president with No Labels would only help Trump, so don’t even think about it, buddy.” And as if that wasn’t enough, Clinton also reportedly had a heart-to-heart with Manchin, warning the senator that a No Labels presidential bid would spell doom for the country.

Lo and behold, months after these encounters with the legendary persuader, Hogan decided to run for the Senate in Maryland instead of making a presidential run, while Manchin opted out of seeking reelection to his West Virginia Senate seat. Coincidence? We think not.

But what is this No Labels group, you ask? Well, they claim they wouldn’t run a candidate to benefit either Trump or Biden, but they’re flirting with the idea of throwing a third-party candidate into the mix. Super Tuesday will apparently be the day of reckoning for them, as they decide whether to disrupt the political landscape further.

And let’s not forget the big reveal from the polls — Trump is leading Biden in recent head-to-head matchups, both nationally and in key swing states. It’s a tough road ahead for Creepy Sleepy Joe, but fear not, conservatives, for the battle is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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