
Biden Sneaks Out of Medal Honor Ceremony: Jean-Pierre Makes Absurd Excuse!

In a truly laughable move, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to defend President Joe Biden’s early exit from a Medal of Honor ceremony with a ridiculous excuse. The ceremony was meant to honor U.S. Army Cpt. Larry Taylor, a courageous helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. However, without any warning, Biden abruptly left the stage, leaving Taylor standing alone before the ceremony’s end.

According to Jean-Pierre, this was all “done on purpose” because the president wanted to limit exposure to those in attendance after his wife, Jill Biden, tested positive for COVID-19. But let’s think about this for a second—why was Biden even there in the first place if the White House was so concerned about COVID-19 transmission? It’s nonsensical to suggest that he couldn’t stay a few extra minutes for the closing prayer but had no problem being there initially. And if he truly wanted to protect the audience, why would he stroll right in the middle of them on his way out?

It’s all a bunch of baloney. Personally, I don’t think there was any real risk, especially considering the ineffectiveness of masks. But even the White House believes in the power of masks, so shouldn’t it be concerning that Biden removed his mask inches away from an elderly man? It’s a breach of protocol, especially since Jean-Pierre claims he’s going to wear a mask when meeting with world leaders. Let’s be honest, Biden just got confused and left early, as he often does. These attempts to provide an explanation are just dumb and unbelievable. It’s time to face the facts—Biden made a mistake, and the White House is desperately trying to cover it up.

Written by Staff Reports

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