
Biden Teams Up with Elton John for Stonewall Anniversary Amid Fundraising Frenzy

President Biden is once again parading his chameleon-like political history, this time with a new sidekick, Elton John. They’ll mark the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a cornerstone moment for the modern gay rights movement, during a high-profile trip to New York. While Biden tries to cash in on social justice brownie points, he’s also working overtime on the fundraising circuit.

As usual, the White House is as tight-lipped as ever. They haven’t bothered responding to requests for comment. However, they did confirm last week that Biden would be attending an official event in New York amidst his money-raising spree. Thank goodness the New York Post is on the ball, breaking the news about Biden’s impending visit to the Stonewall Inn.

Biden’s trip will have him jetting off to New York on Friday, fresh from arguing with former President Trump in Atlanta. Clearly not one to let a debate slow him down, he’s set to attend a Manhattan fundraiser that evening before flitting to East Hampton on Saturday for not one but two more fundraisers. And if that wasn’t enough schmoozing for one weekend, he’ll also hit Red Bank, New Jersey.

Let’s take a little walk down memory lane. Biden’s views on same-sex marriage and gay rights have flip-flopped like a fish out of water. Back in 1993, he voted for the infamous “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” military policy, and a year later, he joined his Senate buddies in cutting off federal funds that promoted acceptance of homosexuality as a lifestyle. Fast forward to 2003, and he’s supporting the Defense of Marriage Act. He proclaimed back then that marriage should be defined between a man and a woman for federal purposes, a stance that kept traditionalists nodding in agreement.

Come 2008, Candidate Biden is still beating the same old drum, opposing same-sex marriage during a vice-presidential debate. But in a classic Biden twist, he became the first major political figure to endorse same-sex marriage in 2012, jolting even President Obama into eventually aligning his stance with his veep. Biden’s evolution on this issue seems less about personal growth and more about pandering to whichever way the political winds are blowing on any given day.

Written by Staff Reports

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