
Biden’s Border Policies Blamed for Brutal Murder of Maryland Mother of Five

Rachel Morin, a vibrant mother of five, met a tragic end thanks to the Biden administration’s open-door policy. Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, managed to slip through the flimsy security measures at the border before brutally raping and murdering Morin as she was simply enjoying a hike near her home. The murderous fugitive was finally caught in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but this horrifying crime could have been avoided altogether.

The blame, according to Morin’s devastated family, lies squarely on President Joe Biden’s shoulders. By abandoning the robust security protocols set in place by the previous administration, Biden has invited chaos into American communities. Patty Morin, Rachel’s grieving mother, proclaimed that her daughter’s life might have been spared if Trump’s stringent border policies were still operational. She depicted Biden’s border policy as akin to leaving your front door wide open for strangers—a reckless action that has real consequences.

Rachel’s brother, Michael, expressed disbelief over the tragedy striking their usually safe neighborhood. He couldn’t help but suggest that Biden’s anti-American policies facilitated the crime, subtly hinting at his support for a return to more secure times under Trump’s leadership. The family’s lawyer added fuel to the fire, calling for a “reset” of the border and pinning the escalating violence directly on Biden’s policies.

Predictably, Democrats are ducking their responsibility, refusing to acknowledge how their leniency has escalated violence and lawlessness. As Venezuelan gang members and other criminals flow unchallenged across the border, Americans are paying the price in blood. The once secure states are turning into crime-ridden territories thanks to this administration’s unwillingness to enforce the law.

While Maryland’s Democrat Governor Wes Moore tried to express frustration over the border crisis, he conveniently avoided blaming Biden, instead choosing to highlight a long-standing ineptitude to resolve immigration issues. It seems Democrats are more interested in preserving political agendas than addressing the very real damage their policies are causing. For them, it’s just another day in politics, but for families like the Morins, it’s a life shattered and a loss that can never be replaced.

Written by Staff Reports

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