
Biden’s DOJ Jails 75-Year-Old for Abortion Clinic Protest, Sparking Selective Prosecution Concerns

The Department of Justice, led by Joe Biden, sentenced a 75-year-old woman to two years in prison for her involvement in a protest at an abortion clinic. Her role in a livestreamed October 2020 demonstration led to her conviction under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and federal “conspiracy against rights” charges. This is part of the Biden administration’s aggressive enforcement of the FACE Act against conservatives and pro-lifers, raising concerns about selective prosecution.

The harsh sentence given to Paulette Harlow, despite health concerns and pleas from her husband, illustrates the administration’s uncompromising stance. Her requests to attend Mass while under house arrest have been denied, showing a lack of respect for her religious freedoms. The DOJ’s description of the protest as an “invasion” contrasts with Biden’s soft language regarding the southern border crisis.

Harlow, along with nine others, participated in the protest by blockading an abortion facility entryway. The sentences handed out, including almost five years for the protest organizer, Lauren Handy, demonstrate a punitive approach by the Biden regime. The use of conspiracy charges has raised concerns about due process and fairness in the legal proceedings.

The conservative perspective sees this incident as a clear example of government overreach and political bias. The individuals involved in the protest are portrayed as peaceful activists fighting for a cause they believe in, yet they have been harshly punished by the Biden administration. Such actions contribute to a growing distrust of the government’s handling of ideological differences and raise questions about the erosion of individual liberties under Biden’s leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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