
Biden’s Shady $20M Deal: Bribery or Just VP Perks?

Republicans are sounding the alarm bells after it was revealed that the Biden family business received a whopping $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while Joe Biden was vice president. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, uncovered the payments after subpoenaing six different banks and obtaining thousands of records. The committee specifically focused on individuals and companies that had engaged in business activities with Biden family members and their associates.

This is just the latest bombshell in a string of revelations about the Biden business. Previously, it was revealed that they received at least $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China. In total, nine Biden family members, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren, received payments from foreign business ventures. It’s clear that the Biden family was using Joe Biden’s position as vice president to cash in on lucrative business deals with foreign entities.

Republicans are rightfully questioning how Democrats can continue to defend Joe Biden in the face of mounting evidence against him. Former Deputy Assistant to Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka, even hinted at the possibility of impeachment for Biden. This latest revelation of $20 million in payments to the Biden business is further proof that the White House is turning a blind eye to corruption.

The payments to the Biden business have been dubbed “bribes,” and it’s easy to see why. One payment alone was described as a bribe by an FBI informant. Rep. Mary Miller even claimed that the $20 million included cash, diamonds, and cars, suggesting that the Biden family was willing to sell out America for personal gain.

These shocking revelations raise serious concerns about money laundering and fraud. Rep. Comer believes that the Biden family set up over 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, a practice that he equates to racketeering. It’s clear that the Biden family was engaged in corrupt practices, and it’s time for Joe Biden to be held accountable.

In conclusion, it is disappointing but not surprising to see the extent of corruption within the Biden family. These latest revelations only add to the mounting evidence against Joe Biden and his family’s unethical business dealings. It’s time for Democrats to stop defending the indefensible and for the American people to demand answers and accountability.

Written by Staff Reports

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