
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas recently shared in a press statement that she has been diagnosed with cancer. The announcement was made on June 2, 2024. The type and stage of the cancer were not disclosed by the congresswoman. Pancreatic cancer, a severe form of cancer, can be challenging to treat according to experts. Despite this, Jackson Lee conveyed a positive outlook in her statement.

In her announcement, Jackson Lee mentioned her determination to combat the disease with faith and courage. She confirmed her diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and emphasized her commitment to fighting it. She assured her constituents that while she may need to occasionally step back from her congressional duties for treatment, her office will continue to serve them.

Sadly, this is not the first time the congresswoman is facing cancer. In the past, she successfully battled breast cancer. Jackson Lee has been serving Texas’ 18th congressional district for three decades. She previously ran for mayor of Houston, Texas, but was not successful. Moreover, she has been involved in controversies during her time in office, including a reported incident where she used profanity toward her staff members.

It is essential for everyone to keep Congresswoman Jackson Lee in their thoughts and prayers during this challenging time. It’s crucial to respect her decision to continue her work while undergoing treatment. Her optimism and strength in the face of adversity are commendable.

Written by Staff Reports

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