
Democrats Accuse Big Oil of Price Fixing, Seek DOJ Action

Today, Democrats are blaming big oil companies for high gas prices. The Democrats said the oil executives are working together to keep gas prices high and make lots of money. They are asking the Department of Justice to investigate and punish the oil companies for working together to raise prices. They also said President Donald Trump asked for $1 billion in campaign money from oil executives. The Democrats are worried about the influence of oil companies on Trump and his policies.

In Washington, House Republicans asked tough questions to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. They are not happy with the Biden administration’s energy policies. The Republicans did not like the pause on new LNG export terminals and new energy efficiency standards for home appliances. They were upset about the effect on American workers and families.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice made a $310 million settlement with the Norfolk Southern railroad company for a train derailment in Ohio last year. The company will spend a lot of money to clean up the pollution and help the people affected by the accident. The Department of Justice said the settlement holds the company responsible for the derailment.

Exxon Mobil won the right to go forward with its case against a climate change activist investor. The judge said Exxon was right to sue to stop the investor from making proposals about emissions. Meanwhile, some big tech companies, like Google and Microsoft, formed a group to buy carbon credits for removing carbon from the environment. They want to support technologies that help the environment.

Lastly, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said there could be a record number of hurricanes this year. They think there could be up to 25 named storms in the Atlantic Ocean this year. They said warm ocean temperatures and other conditions make it more likely for big storms to form.

Written by Staff Reports

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