
Democrats Urge Biden to Attack Trump Instead of Touting Record

Talk about a flailing ship in stormy seas. Top Democrats are evidently hoisting red flags and urging President Joe Biden to steer away from highlighting his own record. The new advice from Biden’s closest allies? Launch an offensive against former President Donald Trump. It’s like trying to win the World Series by pointing out how bad the other team is, rather than focusing on your own game.

Biden’s buddies are telling him to bash Trump’s economic policies, apparently because voters are less than enthralled with Biden’s so-called “achievements.” The sentiment is as clear as mud – Biden wants accolades, but Americans aren’t buying it. Seems like an implied admission that Biden’s presidency is less than stellar. A top Democrat’s blunt advice for Joe: Cut it out. 


The planned Thursday debate is now being painted as Biden’s best chance to go after Trump’s connections with corporate America and his economic policies. Remember Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain, from earlier this year? He’s Biden’s debate coach, now warning again that Biden spends too much time patting himself on the back for drab stuff like infrastructure, instead of engaging with voters. 

Meanwhile, the Trump camp couldn’t resist chiming in. According to their national press secretary, Biden’s laundry list of failures – from skyrocketing inflation to a sieve-like border and disastrous foreign policy – is downright indefensible. Trump, in contrast, stands tall and proud of his track record: a booming economy, low inflation, cheap gas, secure borders, and global peace. Life was better under Trump, and it’s hard to argue that Americans didn’t feel the difference.

Biden and his cronies in the Democratic National Committee have decided to launch last-minute attacks on Trump, trying to vilify his economic policies and hot-button issues such as abortion. Biden even called Trump out in a memo, claiming he “snapped” after losing the 2020 election, comparing his words to those of dictators and invoking Nazi Germany. Talk about grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to divert attention from Biden’s own blunders.

In the lead-up to Thursday’s debate, with Trump pulling ahead in swing state polls, the former president faces his own strategic choice. Should he let Biden ramble and reveal his own shortcomings, or should Trump unleash his usual fiery charisma? Opinions at a recent rally varied, but the sentiment was clear: Many think Biden could self-destruct if given enough rope.

It’s almost laughable to watch the Biden campaign scramble. As they try to steer the narrative away from his lackluster record and pin the blame on Trump, one thing remains clear – Biden’s team seems to know they are on shaky ground.

Written by Staff Reports

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Trump Ready to Checkmate Biden in Upcoming Debate