
DeSantis Faces GOP Showdown: Opening Debate Turns into Lion’s Den!

Although Mike Pence and the other Republican candidates were able to qualify for the first presidential primary debate in 2024, their strategies might need to be changed if Donald Trump decides to join the event. Due to the large audience that watched the 2016 debate, they should focus on Joe Biden's failures.

The economy, as well as issues such as unemployment and inflation, are some of the most important factors that voters will consider when choosing a candidate to face off against Joe Biden. Some may align themselves with Donald Trump, hoping to get a job or a vice presidency, while others may criticize him. On the other hand, the more serious candidates will focus on Biden's policies.

Experts said that Donald Trump would likely be ignored during the debate, similar to how he was during the primary season eight years ago. Most candidates will avoid attacking him early in the campaign, worried that their polling numbers might drop if they do so. It’s also important for his critics, such as Chris Christie, to take their attacks seriously during the event.

The performance of Chris Christie in the debates will most likely determine his campaign's success. Fox News will try to convince Trump to participate in a private debate, while his super PAC will launch a public appeal to raise money. A Republican strategist noted that primary voters should be given the opportunity to see the two candidates face off.

Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, who are currently in second place and third place, respectively, are expected to come under a lot of scrutiny during the debate. The former has made changes to his team due to his fundraising and polling numbers. Although he aspires to be like Trump, DeSantis has struggled with his campaign's discipline and multiple controversies.

He'll likely focus on Florida to avoid any negative attention, and he'll also likely spend a lot of time defending his record. The other candidates, on the other hand, will use the event to reintroduce themselves to voters. A strong performance could help them get into the next debates, as the RNC is considering increasing its criteria.

To be eligible for the second debate, candidates must meet certain criteria, such as having raised enough money and polling numbers. Pence's campaign had already extended for several more weeks, and failing to meet these requirements would end his run. If Trump doesn't participate in the debates, the attack on the US Capitol on January 6 will most likely be a dominant topic.

With the help of his cooperation in the investigation into the presidential election, Pence has been raising money for his campaign. RealClearPolitics reported that Trump has the support of 54% of the voters, followed by DeSantis at 16%. Other candidates have lesser numbers of followers.

The debate's conservative rewrite focuses on the candidates' strategies and the possible interactions with Trump.

The article emphasizes the significance of taking on Biden's record and the need for politicians to stand out from their rivals.

The emphasis is placed on Trump's popularity, as well as the possible impact of negative attacks on him. It also covers the criticism aimed at DeSantis and the other lower-polling candidates.

Written by Staff Reports

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