
DNC Ditches Top Lawyer Involved In Anti-Election Integrity Tactics

Democratic attorney Marc Elias has split ways with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), according to multiple sources. Elias remains associated with Democrats at the state and federal levels, with the DSCC, DAGA, and DLCC, however, there seems to be an issue with the DNC. Elias is notorious for his relationship with the DNC, having targeted election integrity laws passed by Republican legislatures. The Elias Law Group filed a lawsuit against HB 458 in Ohio, which included the common-sense provision of strengthening voter ID laws.

It is clear that Elias has been at the forefront of pro-democracy advocacy, but it’s concerning that he has resorted to targeting election integrity laws crucial in protecting election transparency. A recent tweet boasted about Elias’s team litigating 45 pro-democracy cases in 18 states, declaring that “Democracy is on the docket!” However, it seems that their democracy does not include the integrity of the election system, rendering their so-called pro-democracy stance as nothing more than a facade.

While it remains unknown what prompted the split between Elias and the DNC, it is worth noting that Elias was an attorney for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and was hired by former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) in the final days of his losing 2021 gubernatorial campaign against now-Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA). It’s clear that Elias’s ties to prominent Democrats run deep, and despite the split, he remains associated with the Democrats at the state and federal level, which raises many questions about the Democrats’ core values and priorities.

The DNC spokesperson stated that the DNC has worked with numerous lawyers on voting rights litigation, compliance, contracting, and a multitude of other issues. That being said, it’s unclear what transpired between the DNC and Elias that led to their split. Nevertheless, the Elias Law Group spokesperson stated that they are proud of the work that they have done with the DNC and that they look forward to continuing to represent the Democratic Party, which begs the question of how much influence Elias will continue to wield within the Party.

In conclusion, the split between Elias and the DNC raises many questions about the Democratic Party’s priorities and values. By targeting election integrity laws, Elias appears to be undermining the very foundation of democracy. The Democrats need to reassess their association with Elias and ensure that their priorities align with their core values.

Written by Staff Reports

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