
Durham Exposes DOJ & FBI Corruption in Crossfire Hurricane Saga: Nadler Clings to Lies

John Durham testifies on Capitol Hill about the political weaponization of the DOJ and FBI in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, which was launched in an attempt to find any traces of alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Durham’s report details the corrupt abuses of power during the investigation and how the FBI moved forward without any evidentiary basis, proving that the investigation was purely politically motivated.

Durham, who has spent over 40 years as a federal prosecutor, said that the report’s findings were sobering and anyone who read the report will come to the same conclusion. He also noted that the report’s identified problems could not be resolved overnight and required accountability. The FBI’s response has been encouraging, but the issues identified in the report cannot be fixed solely through enhancing training or additional policy requirements.

However, Rep. Jerry Nadler, who is a Russian collusion truther, suggested that the FBI was not aggressive enough in pursuing Donald Trump and others. Nadler also repeated the debunked conspiracy theory about Trump Tower servers communicating with Alfa Bank, despite the conclusions of the FBI investigation. Nadler further lied by claiming that the FBI never investigated the Alfa Bank allegation, which is completely false.

Nadler even insinuated that Durham’s appearance was due to Donald Trump’s indictment by the DOJ, which was entirely untrue. Durham rebuked Nadler for spreading lies and false allegations. Despite the solid findings of Durham’s report, Nadler seems to be more concerned with promoting his Russian collusion conspiracy theories than addressing the obvious abuses of power and corruption in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Written by Staff Reports

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