
Former White House Deputy Raises Alarms Over Biden’s Mental Acuity and Inner Circle Actions

A recent report revealed that the crumbling dam surrounding Joe Biden’s mental acuity is gaining more cracks and leaking secrets. Former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West made scathing comments about Biden’s decline, sparking concerns about the president’s ability to lead effectively. The accusations, though not from anonymous sources this time, shed light on efforts by Biden’s inner circle, including First Lady Jill Biden’s aides, to shield him from public scrutiny.

West’s Instagram story post following a debate bluntly stated, “It’s time for Joe to go.” This public criticism from someone with insider knowledge of the White House operations adds to the growing unease surrounding Biden’s performance. Reports indicate that Biden’s closest aides, particularly those under Jill Biden’s influence, have been instrumental in isolating the president from staff and maintaining a protective barrier around him.

One disturbing incident highlighted in the report involves Biden feeling overheated during a July 4th event in 2021. Despite the hot weather, Biden’s aides allegedly prevented White House staff from assisting him, creating a sense of secrecy around his health. The increasing revelations about Biden’s behavior and the actions of those around him paint a concerning picture of a presidency veiled in opacity regarding the president’s physical and mental well-being.

As the wall of secrecy around Biden’s presidency starts to crumble, more revelations are expected to surface, potentially opening floodgates of further concerns about his ability to fulfill his duties effectively. The growing scrutiny on Biden’s mental acuity and the actions of his inner circle indicate a presidency struggling under the weight of mounting questions about its stability and transparency.

Written by Staff Reports

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